SaturdayintheCity #Bornheim #Wochenmarkt

Wochenmärkte liebe ich schon seit meiner Kindheit und so läute ich dann auch gern das Wochenende ein: mit Waffeln, Kaffee trinken, einkaufen und Blumen aussuchen. Eine Liste aller Märkte in Frankfurt gibts hier.

Farmers markets I got to love when first strolling around with my grandmother. We would go grocery shopping on Fridays or on a special day during the week which was really excited. Did you ever wonder how the farmers managed the scales with all those heavy weights? And I got a "Bratwurst" and we would meet some friends of ours who were grocers having had to built a new life after fleeing from Slicia in 1945. Finding a not to welcoming society in post-war Germany they decided on a life of entrepreneurship like so many migrants often do nowadays. With a society not opening opportunities for established careers.
Anyhoozle, on Saturdays this is how I like to relex and start the weekend. Some shopping, coffee, waffles, flowers. Great start! 
A list of all farmers' markets in Frankfurt you will find here.
