Lebens_Wertes: Most_Agreeable_Shopping_BergerStrasse

Si by Sinela at Christian Fleckenstein, Nordend

Dear reader, not only did I snatch these boots on sale. It came with one of the most agreeable shopping: on Berger Strasse 12 @Christian Fleckenstein Mode, they don't harass you with all sorts of helpful remarks or comments while you are trying on their stuff. No the store assisent was pleasantly friendly, efficient but kept himself in the background. And he just asked one question: How are you feeling? So none of that, "oh that looks great on you" before you have even decided whether you like it or not. 
Well, I liked them and they are going to be one of the two high heeled boots you are going to find in my closet. But they are lovely:) Tell me what you are thinking! What kind of shop assistence do you prefer? Follow me on bloglovin!
